Featured Freelance Writers — Dragana Brankovic

Featured Freelance Writers — Dragana Brankovic

One of the main reasons I started No Hustle Freelancer is to create a community. I am excited to continue this Featured Freelance Writer series. :) Today, I want to introduce you to Dragana. Dragana talks about her freelancing journey. Despite being a non-native writer, she has found success writing in English over the past 5 years. There is so much to learn from Dragana’s journey. I hope you enjoy this conversation just as much as I did.

Tell us about yourself. What kind of freelance writing do you do/what's your niche?

I have been a freelance writer for around 5 years. I am not a native English speaker, but all my clients say that I am doing well. Of course, I can improve. I wrote articles in many niches: travel, sports, gambling, beauty, personal finance, etc.

Where do you write? On your couch? A nice home office? Cafes? Coworking spaces?

On my couch mostly.

When and why did you decide to start freelancing? How long have you been freelancing?

For about 5 years. Because I wanted to be independent and escape my boring work in a store.

How did you find your first clients? How do you find your clients now?

I find my clients mostly on Upwork. But now I am looking on FB groups mostly.

What is your favorite thing about freelancing? Anything you don't like?

My favorite thing is flexibility. And independence. I love all about it.

What is the most valuable lesson you've learned so far?

To believe in myself.

Let's keep it real, there is always something to work on. Is there anything you are currently struggling with or working to improve on as a freelance writer?

As I said, I am not a native speaker so I always try to improve my grammar.

A lot of parents choose the freelancing path so they can stay at home with their kids or spend more time with their families. Are you a parent that chose freelancing for these reasons? If yes, how are you navigating your role as a parent, and do you have any tips for other parents. Did you choose freelancing even before becoming a parent? How did parenting change your freelancing journey? Eg. maternity/paternity leave, working fewer hours, budget etc.

I am a stay-at-home mom of 3 years old twins. I do most of my work while they sleep. I became a freelancer before I became a mom, but I just got stronger will and decided to work harder when I got them.

What advice would you give freelance writers that are just starting out?

To have faith in themselves and to work hard.

Where can we find you? Feel free to share your website, portfolio, Linkedin, other social media.

www.lostinfreelancing.com is my blog and you are more than welcome to visit it.