Are You Busy LOOKING LIKE You Are Running a Business? Or Are You ACTUALLY Running a Business?

Are You Busy LOOKING LIKE You Are Running a Business? Or Are You ACTUALLY Running a Business?

Are you trying to make it LOOK LIKE you are running a freelance writing business or are you ACTUALLY running a freelance writing business?

I see so many new and wanna-be freelance writers:

  • setting up an LLC before they have a single client

  • spending weeks or months building a website and creating logos and making everything look pretty

  • paying for photoshoots because they need professional and fun pictures for Linkedin

  • signing up for every single app on the planet: accounting, project management tools, and so on

  • setting up hundreds of social media profiles

  • researching EVERY single strategy to get clients, pondering forever on the benefits of all, but not really trying any of them

  • spending way too much time asking questions or complaining about freelance boards

  • trying to have the best insta-perfect office set-up, the best technology, the coolest stationery, the best ergonomic desk, and the best inspiration board

  • wondering how they can make 100K or more freelancing (preferably yesterday!)

  • signing up for just one more course, buying just one more book, and DMing just one more successful writer before they can get started

All this is cute and well. But all this is costing you time, energy, and money. 

And NONE of this is necessary for running your freelance writing business. 

Sure thing, they may all be helpful or even necessary at one point. But to get started with running your freelance writing business, none of this is necessary. Trying to look like you are running a freelance writing business is not the same as actually running a freelance writing business.

Do you know what you need to have a freelance writing business? CLIENTS. Yeap, without clients, you are not running a freelance writing business. At best, you are dreaming about it/

Trying to look like a business, thinking about things days on end, and spending money on everything you don't need will NOT get you clients.

You know what will? TAKING ACTION.

Steps to Take to Get Clients + Actually Start Running a Freelance Writing Business

Here is what you need to do:

Create a Portfolio 

Yes, self-published pieces, guest posts, and PDF mock-ups are great! Make sure your portfolio is high-quality and relevant to your ideal clients. High-quality does NOT mean perfect or better than anyone has ever seen. But don't just throw together a 'quick something' in 5 minutes because 'blogs are easy'. Give it a thought. Put in the effort. Make it good. Make it relevant. You want future clients to go 'wow, I need this!'

Create a SIMPLE Website with a Portfolio

Create a SIMPLE website to show your portfolio. Simple is the keyword. Don't overthink it. 2-3 pages, a short intro about you + your portfolio is enough. You can actually skip this step and just share your portfolio in a PDF with future clients.

Pick Your Strategy

Pick ONE strategy! It may be cold-emailing, Linkedin, networking in social media groups and warm-messaging, or even Upwork. Whatever you do, don't jump from strategy to strategy without putting a real effort into any of them. Pick one that feels authentic to you. Commit to it. Take consistent action. Give it 3 months and if you are not seeing results, identify potential issues, and pivot.

That's all. In short: You need to commit to one strategy to get clients, and you need a short, but quality portfolio to convenience them that you are the one.

You don't need the bells and whistles. Stop comparing yourself to others. Don't give in to social media pressure. Stop spending your money on things you don't need.

Are you interested in creating a sustainable freelance writing business without the hustle? Check out my freelance writing course with a step-by-step process of exactly what you need.

What actions are you taking to start running your freelance writing business? What is your strategy of choice to get clients?