How to Overcome Discovery Call Anxiety

How to Overcome Discovery Call Anxiety

I hate phone calls. The end.

But seriously, I used to do everything to avoid discovery calls. The truth is: I still only do them if the client wants a discovery call. About 70% of my prospects want a discovery call though — and I’ve found that when they do, a discovery call is highly beneficial and can help me close the deal. 

I had to get myself comfortable and overcome discovery call anxiety.

This wasn’t easy. 

Some people, like my husband, are the opposite. They love calls and will choose those over anything. Then there are people like me.

I hate phone calls more than anything on the planet. I remember when I was a kid, I was crying for hours before I had the courage to call a friend for homework. And don’t get me started on calling customer service or taking care of anything over the phone. I used to prep myself for those calls for hours. Yes, hours.

Things got better since, of course. But I still hate calls. And I will still prefer to send an email, chat with a customer service agent (or a bot), fill out a form, or sometimes avoid things altogether before hopping on a call. 

If you are like I was and dreading discovery calls or the phone in general, you may want to avoid discovery calls completely. Of course, it’s your choice. You are the business owner. I had plenty of clients that I’ve never talked to on the phone. 

That said, sometimes the client prefers to talk to you to discuss details before an agreement and contract. In other times, it just makes sense. Discovery calls are sometimes necessary before booking a new client. They may be a phone call, a zoom non-video call, or a video call. I personally prefer video over the phone. You may be the other way around.

Either way, if you are someone who is nervous about these discovery calls, I have some tips for you on how to overcome phone call anxiety

How to Overcome Phone Call Anxiety

Feel Your Fear

Trying to avoid fear and anxiety will only give them more power. If you try to avoid them, they may pop up at the most unexpected time. Instead, give your fear some space. Just sit with it. Consider what’s the worst-case scenario that can happen. What will you do if that happens? Will you survive? (The answer is yes.) What’s your coping strategy for that scenario. Once you considered your worst fear and realized that you will be okay even if that happens, you may feel much better for your discovery call.

Reframe Your Thoughts

You may be putting too much pressure on yourself. The call has to go perfectly. You need to make a good impression. You need to cover everything. They need to say yes. Take the pressure off yourself…and your client. This is a discovery call. It allows a wonderful chance to learn about each other (their goals and needs and your services) no matter what the outcome is. You don’t need to cover everything. If you forgot something, you can always just email them later.

Write a Discovery Call Script

Prepare ahead of time. Write down any questions you may have for your client. Consider common questions they may ask during your your discovery call. Write down your answers so you can quick glance at them if you need to. Practice your answers until they are second nature.

Keep Your Discovery Call Short

Keep these discovery calls short, 15 to 20 minutes should be sufficient. They are NOT strategy sessions or consultations (you need to charge for those!). The goal is that you can learn about their goals and needs and they can learn about your general approach. Remember, listen more and speak less.

Remember: This Is NOT an Interview

Interviewing for a job is scary. But this is NOT an interview. This is a discovery call. It’s an initial conversation before a business partnership. You are not looking to become an employee. They won’t be your boss. You are equal peers. You are a business owner who is offering some services. They are also a business owner or an employee representing a business that is looking for services that you offer. Your services add value to their business. This is not a one-way relationship or a hierarchy.

Don’t Give Away Your Pricing

Accidentally undercharging is a major fear before discovery calls. Never give out your fees over the phone. Say, “thank you, I will send you an email with my quote”. Think about it, then follow up within 24 hours with your pricing. If you sense that the client is a low-baller, sharing your ‘starting at’ rates me be smart.

Be Friendly and Smile

Being friendly goes a long way. No need to get personal, but a little small talk can help to loosen things up and connect. I know, I am not always a big fan of small talks either. But trust me, it will take the pressure off. And don’t forget to smile. Smiling can help to build a connection and trust. Yes, even if they can’t see you, your voice will reflect if you are smiling. Just put a sticky note on your computer or notebook ‘Smile.

Don’t Take Anything Personally

Your potential client may say no. They may not be happy with your pricing. They may not feel that your services are right for them. They may say no for whatever reason. 

It is not personal. It is business. It may not be the right time or may not be the right fit. And that’s absolutely okay! You are saving yourself from a bad partnership. And remember, you can always say no too if you are just not feeling it.

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These are my tips on how to overcome discovery call anxiety. Do you have any other tips on how to overcome your fear from discovery calls? What has worked for you?