Featured Freelance Writers — Tina Bhamra

Featured Freelance Writers — Tina Bhamra

One of the main reasons I started No Hustle Freelancer is to create a community. I am excited to continue this Featured Freelance Writer series. :) Today, I want to introduce you to Tina Bhamra. Tina is a new(ish) freelance writer from the UK. She only started writing during the pandemic and she loves the location-independent lifestyle freelancing provides her. I hope you will enjoy this interview as much as I did.

Tell us about yourself. What kind of freelance writing do you do/what's your niche?

Hi, I'm Tina, a 29-year-old new freelancer from Birmingham, UK. I started writing during the pandemic as I've always had an affinity for English and I read a lot, and I began with my own blog covering various topics like UK popular culture and the media, my own musings about authenticity, self-love. A variety of topics, whatever I felt I wanted to address at the time. Because I enjoyed it so much, I did a copywriting course and now I am starting out as a freelancer. Ideally, I would prefer to write content surrounding holistic health (given my vast experience with chronic conditions), spirituality, travel (as I am traveling South America right now), cooking/nutrition and wellbeing. I would also be open to writing about other ad hoc topics for the experience and also because I like the challenge of writing in a style which doesn't come as natural to me.

Where do you write? On your couch? A nice home office? Cafes? Coworking spaces?

I am currently traveling and in Brazil at the minute, so I would be writing in hostels or my dorm room, maybe even the beach :)

When and why did you decide to start freelancing? How long have you been freelancing?

I decided to freelance because I have always been a free-spirited person, so my career in finance stuck in an office was not bringing out the best in me. I believe my creativity flourishes most when I am allowed to work on my own terms, in a career that I enjoy, doing what I love (writing). I have been freelancing for a few months now, I have nearly finished my website and portfolio.

How did you find your first clients? How do you find your clients now?

My first few clients came through a friend who is a brand designer, she is a freelancer too and would recommend me as her in-house copywriter. I plan to find my own clients now through linked in and networking, as soon as my website is up and published.

What is your favorite thing about freelancing? Anything you don't like?

I love the freedom of location, I love meeting other like-minded people, especially when I am doing work for organizations or clients where I really believe in their cause. I find the creative industry in general has more people on my wavelength as opposed to my previous corporate job. At the moment, there is nothing that I dislike but I am very new into this.

What is the most valuable lesson you've learned so far?

Bravery! I've learnt that starting out in an industry where you have no experience but you are willing to put in the work is much more valuable than staying somewhere comfortable where you are not happy. I may not have it all figured out, but having the attitude of "I will make it work", will ultimately mean it will work out for me. Having faith over fear is my biggest lesson.

Let's keep it real, there is always something to work on. Is there anything you are currently struggling with or working to improve on as a freelance writer?

When I am writing for a client where it is purely a commercial pursuit, sometimes I need to remember creativity isn't at the forefront of my work. I also need to work on cold emails and i general finding a flow in getting regular clients.

A lot of freelance writers choose this path because of chronic illness, chronic pain, mental health issues, or a disability. If you are dealing with any of the following, can you tell us about it a bit and how do you navigate freelance writing and physical and/or mental health challenges. 

I've noticed this too and in my case I have managed to turn my pain into a passion. I have had eczema since I can remember but it managed to go away for the most part as I got older until I hit my mid 20's where I flared up massively. My skin was so bad that I was unable to get through the day without severe discomfort. This was happening at the same time that I was doing my copywriting course and because of the hours of extensive research and various holistic doctors I saw, I built on my already vast knowledge of nutrition/healing modalities and decided that this is what I wanted my niche to be in. Now, I am a lot better and able to live and work normally, even travel.

What advice would you give freelance writers that are just starting out?

Be brave, follow your passion, tune into the little voice inside of you that knows what you want, practice is the key and never compare to others. Everyone's path is different, just get started and be persistent.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I feel like writing is one of the best ways for me to connect with others because in reality, a lot of people are always drawn to me and find it easy to open up to me. I really feel like this is one of my gifts and I am lucky enough to have a lot of experiences under my belt to be able to understand and have compassion for many others in different situations. I'm hoping writing allows this to flourish in a virtual way as much as it does in my real life.

Where can we find you? Feel free to share your website, portfolio, Linkedin, other social media.



My website is not completed yet but should be shortly.

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