Featured Freelance Writers — Delaney Rietveld

Featured Freelance Writers — Delaney Rietveld

One of the main reasons I started No Hustle Freelancer is to create a community. I am excited to continue this Featured Freelance Writer series. :) Today, I want to introduce you to Delaney. Though Delaney has only been on this journey for less than a year, she has already found a lot of success. She has been working as a full-time freelance writer since December 2021 working with coaches, executive coaches, and wellness coaches. There is so much to learn from Delayney’s journey. I hope you enjoy this conversation just as much as I did.

Tell us about yourself. What kind of freelance writing do you do/what's your niche?

Delaney Rietveld: I'm a copywriter for life coaches, executive coaches, and wellness coaches.

Where do you write? On your couch? A nice home office? Cafes? Coworking spaces?

I try not to spend too much time on the couch! When I'm not writing on the couch, I write at my desk or prop my laptop up so I can stand and write.

When and why did you decide to start freelancing? How long have you been freelancing?

I started summer of 2021! I was working an office job that I hated and wanted a way out. I quit my job to freelance full-time in December of 2021.

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How did you find your first clients? How do you find your clients now?

Cold pitching! Most of my clients are from cold pitching or referrals.

What is your favorite thing about freelancing? Anything you don't like?

I love working with amazing female entrepreneurs and creating my own schedule! I'm so grateful to have complete control over who I work with.

What is the most valuable lesson you've learned so far?

Trust the process. You don't have to know the whole path, just the next step.

Let's keep it real, there is always something to work on. Is there anything you are currently struggling with or working to improve on as a freelance writer?

I want be certain my copy converts. I need to get better at testing and analyzing metrics to make my copy better.

What advice would you give freelance writers that are just starting out?

Trust the process! It takes a long time to learn new skills, so always be eager to learn. Trust the highs and lows and don't let people treat you badly.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

I started freelance writing so I could start pursuing acting again. I trained as a theatre actor, which became essentially useless when the pandemic started. Now that things are calming down again, I'm able to pursue acting while supporting myself and not being chained to a desk in an office somewhere.

Where can we find you? Feel free to share your website, portfolio, Linkedin, other social media.

Website: https://definitelyish.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/delaney-rietveld/

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