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6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Online Presence (in Holistic Health)

6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Online Presence (in Holistic Health)

Having an online presence is non-negotiable for your holistic health business.

You may not like to hear this, but hey, it’s 2018, there is a lot going on online (not just selfies and CandyCrush). If you are not online or your online presence is lacking, you are losing out on clients and patients, impact, and money. You don’t want to do that.

It doesn’t matter if you are a functional medicine doctor, holistic health coach, nutritionist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, alternative health practitioner, or a creator of a health supplement or product, you need to be online.

The good news is that creating an online presence doesn’t have to be difficult, expensive, or time-consuming. Using 6 simple strategies can create an enormous positive difference.

These 6 simple tips can boost your online presence, spread your message, and help you gain new clients.


Are you part of any health directories? Healthgrades, Psychology Today, IFM, ZocDoc, ICHWC or even Yelp and Google reviews? You cannot ignore those.

While some of your clients or patients may hear about your office through word of mouth, passing by, or newspaper ads, most will find you online. Yeap, they google.

Guess what else they do? They carefully check your profile and look at your reviews. If your profile is partial, you are missing a picture, a detailed description of your services, education, specialties, and experience, and reviews, they may click away. Make sure your profile is up-to-date and represents you. There is no need to overthink it, just make sure it’s complete and accurate.


A list of fantastic reviews can draw in many more clients or patients than an empty profile. Google, Yelp, and Facebook reviews are important but don’t forget to include some on your website either. Remind your clients to leave reviews. I bet that they will be happy to do so.

Don’t just ask for reviews. Earn them. Pay attention to what your clients want and need. Better yet, ask them. Chances are that besides good treatment, they are looking for listening ears, kindness, someone holding space for them, empathy, patience, understanding, and kindness. The human side of the business is often the most important part.

Don’t be afraid of bad reviews. A few negative comments won’t hurt your business, it will only make you look more real, authentic, and genuine. Lear from these comments and if you respond, do it calmly, respectfully, and kindly. Chances are, positive feedback will be in the overwhelming majority.


Having a website is a non-negotiable in today’s world. Yes, it’s true even if you are running a small local business with only offline, face-to-face services.

Forget about free blogger sites and if you have a site that was built 10–15 years ago, update it right now. You want your website to attract clients and patients, not to make them laugh and run away. Your website doesn’t need to be expensive to look professional. You can create a fantastic website on Squarespace or Wix, or invest in a simple WordPress theme.

Your website’s goal is not to simply check off a box. You want to bring quality content to your clients: to-the-point information about your services, your education, and experience, as well as helpful information. Your website needs to be content focused. Hint: an information filled blog, newsletter, and perhaps some ebooks or downloadable guides can boost your business big time.


Creating a blog can boost your website and overall online presence. It is an effective, simple, and free way to demonstrate your expertise, offer educational and practical information, earn trust, and most importantly, attract new clients or patients.

A content-focused blog can educate your future, present, and past client. They get to know your voice, begin to trust you, and know they can only expect excellence. Your blog can help them with prevention, self-care tips, self-treatment (when applicable), and homecare between visits. You can even share case studies, interview clients or patients, recommend products you like, and share personal tips you use.

Don’t forget that you can always repurpose your blog content. From a detailed blog, you can create shorter blurbs for your newsletter, write social media posts, and using a series of posts, you can even write an ebook.


I understand if getting on social media seems like a drag. But think about it this way: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on are free marketing platforms. When someone googles your name, they can instantly click on your page, scroll through, check your posts, read reviews, like your page, and even repost your content.

You don’t have to be everywhere either. Pick one or two that you like to focus on as a start. I suggest creating a Facebook page as an absolute must because of its ability to collect reviews and share all sorts of content.

The beauty of social media is that you can engage with your clients, patients, colleagues, local businesses, and events. This can bring you new followers and clients organically without ads and slimy sales talk.


If you want to take it to the next level, you can even create a private Facebook group focusing on one of your specialties, such as a “Digestive Health Support Group”, a “Healthy Eating Challenge Group”, or a “Spring Cleanse Group”.

Facebook is an excellent platform to create events. While you can simply use it to promote live events and workshops, you can also host online events. This can be an interactive talk, presentation, or workshop through Facebook live. You may also host an online workshop with a series of talks and interviews on your Facebook page or within a private group.

Using Facebook Live, Instagram stories, Facebook stories, and Snapchat, you can hop online for a short time to share quick tips and answer some questions. Let your personality shine. Spread your message.


Implementing these tips doesn’t take too much time. Spending on 10–20 minutes a day using these strategies can create wonders. However, I understand if you don’t have time.

You are a busy professional. You want to spend time with your clients — not online hanging out on social media.


A great content writer can help with your blog posts, ebooks, guides, website content, and social media posts. They can help with your consumer and scholarly research, as well as your editorial calendar. Copywrites can help with your website copy. Virtual assistants specialized in your field can help you run your online groups, moderate your content, and answer your questions.

As a Professional Holistic Health Writer, I can help you create a high-quality, information-packed website with well-researched, informative and inspiring content written in an engaging and entertaining voice reflecting your personality, brand, and values. If you need blog posts, articles, ebooks, tutorials or social media posts, I am your girl. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Having an online presence is not the devil, but quite the opposite, Using these tips you can boost your business and help more clients as a result.

Are you interested in creating a sustainable freelance writing business without the hustle? Check out my freelance writing course with a step-by-step process of exactly what you need.

Do you have an online presence? What steps will you make this week to boost your online presence? Share away in the comments below. I would love to hear your goals, steps, and tips.

This story is also published on the Medium.